1. optimist

2. pessimist

3. The glass is half empty or the glass is half full

4. stay positive

5. face (a situation)

6. inner-city school

7. discipline

8. things like that

9. assign

10. section

11. I took one look

12. I was like

13. Good lord

14. What have I gotten myself into?

15. There I was

16. in hand

18. chaos

17. make noise

19. call for--(person/people)--to--(verb)--

20. ignore

21. slam down

22. as hard as I could

23. quiet down

24. for the most part

25. show (some/a lot of/no) interest in---

26. might be

27. not used to

28. at the end of my rope

29. look on the bright side

30. opportunity

31. experiment

32 try anything

33. reach

34. work (well/better/[didn't--so well])

35. gain self-confidence


meaning and examples

meaning and examples

meaning and examples

meaning and examples

meaning and examples

meaning and examples


meaning and examples